13 March 2012

Got Help?

I have several female friends that have children and who are stay-at-home moms. The most frequent topic that comes up when we talk is that we sometimes feel trapped because we are always with our children. Not trapped in the sense that we regret having children but more so that we would love to be able to do things sometimes by ourselves, with friends or with our spouses. I have a friend who does not yet have children and she has commented several times that she thinks I do a good job of taking time for myself without feeling guilty about leaving Carter with someone else. Frankly, I take this as a compliment.

There was a time, especially when we first moved to Indiana where I felt very lonely because I didn't have any adult interaction. I was in a new place with no friends and Jimmy was working all the time and did not have the energy to give me the attention I needed.  This all changed once we moved into our house. A priority on my agenda was to FIND HELP! I started utilizing nieces who weren't busy during the day, I interviewed and began using a babysitter on a regular (bi-weekly) basis, and on weekends we utilized Jimmy's sisters so that we could have some alone time. Oh yea...I also called on Carter's father (ha...ha) to take over when I needed a break. Having this support along with Carter recently starting school two half days a week has been invaluable and is what has kept me sane and relatively stress free. In fact, I find that I enjoy the time I spend with Carter that much more. Thankfully, Jimmy has always been encouraging me to seek out alone time and to GET HELP, especially since he is gone so much.

This brings me to my friends.  To all of you...and you know who you are...I know I've told you this before but...GET HELP...if you feel you need it and if you can afford it.  Life is too short for you to feel stressed out and you deserve some YOU TIME.

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