10 October 2011

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

My baby got his first haircut on Saturday while I was away in Chicago. Since Jimmy cuts his own hair on a regular basis I though it would be safe to have him do it. To be clear, I asked him to trim Carter's hair. Don't get me wrong, I loved his little afro but it was getting to the point where he cried every time I had to comb it out. So I just wanted an inch or so taken off so his hair would be more manageable. Instead, Jimmy texts me this picture Saturday afternoon:

I'm thinking that sure does look like a lot of hair and definitely more than a trim. I ask Jimmy to send me a picture of the finished look and he sends me this text: "A pic may not do it justice. Probably better to wait and see it live." Uh oh! This was not a good sign. Then he sends a follow up text saying: "If his hair was his secret power, he is now powerless." Oh no! I knew what this meant. My baby was bald.

When I got home on Sunday the boys were out so you can imagine my anticipation. Then when they got home, Jimmy takes Carter directly to his crib because he was napping. I peeked in on him but couldn't really get a good view. I could tell there wasn't much hair left though. To make a long story short, here is my new baby boy:

You can see by his profile pic that he did inherit the Canady head.  Not what I had in mind but he's still a cutie pie. Here's one last "before" pic to remember him (and the fro) by:

1 comment:

  1. Girl...hubby did the same thing to my baby boys. I made certain to use that word "trim" too...but to no avail. I didn't speak to him for a day or two with Austen. I was quite upset. I have their hair in plastic bags in my night stand...lol.
