13 March 2012

A Day In My Life...

I really hate when Jimmy is out of town for long stretches because it throws my whole schedule off. I have a hard time sleeping when he's gone so I end up staying awake late, sometimes as late as 2 a.m. Unfortunately, no matter what time I go to bed, my wake up time stays constant based on Carter's wake up time which is usually between 7:30-8 a.m. Even though I'm tired, the good thing about staying up that late is that I get a lot of things done. Yesterday was was of those days and just to give you an example this is what it looked like:

9 am - Wake up (factoring in daylight savings it was really 8 am)
9:30 am - Breakfast (eggs and soy sausage)
10 am - Playtime with Carter (alphabet, throwing/kicking ball, reading, coloring, singing/dancing, and playing instruments) (Somewhere in there I also managed to do a load of laundry)
12:30 pm - Snack
1 pm - Carter's nap time (During nap time I made some phone calls, drafted a confidentiality agreement for a client, paid bills, and responded to emails)
2:30 pm - Lunch (Turkey, Cheese, and Strawberries)
3 pm - Put in another load of laundry
3:30 pm - More playtime
4 pm - Walked the dog
4:30 pm - Watched tv while folding laundry
5:30 pm - Prepared dinner for Carter (Rice with broccoli)
6 pm - Carter ate dinner while I had a 15 minute conference call with client
6:30 pm - Get dressed for gym
6:45 pm - Leave for gym (Carter goes to Kids Zone at gym while I workout)
8 pm - Arrive home from gym
8:15 pm - Bath time for Carter
8:30 pm - Relax with Carter while watching tv
9 pm - Lay Carter down to bed
9: 15 pm - Eat dinner (Spinach Salad, Rice, and Broccoli)
10 pm - Carter wakes up crying (I rocked him back to sleep and lied him back in his crib, however, he woke back up immediately and the only way he would lay down was if I staying in the room with him)
11 pm - I fall asleep in Carter's rocking chair waiting for him to go to sleep
11:30 pm - I wake up and head back downstairs to clean the kitchen
12:15 am - Get ready for bed
12: 30 am - Call Jimmy to say good night (He's in CA so it was still early there)
1 am - Fall asleep
3 am - Carter wakes up crying ( I bring him to sleep with me and spend the rest of the night with him kicking me in the face)
7:30 am - Alarm goes off (Today is Carter's school day and he needs to be there by 9 am)
8:15 am - After hitting the snooze button several times, I finally get up and leave Carter sleeping while I get dressed.
8:30 am - Carter wakes up and we get him ready for school
8:50 am - Leave for school (Carter has strawberries and milk in the car)
8:59 am - Drop Carter off at school

And then my day begins all over again. Whoa...I'm exhausted even typing this. At least I did get a 60 minute hot stone massage this morning which felt great. I needed it after a day like yesterday.

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