31 October 2011

Carter's First Halloween

Carter did amazing on his first trick or treat. I dressed him as a monkey (insert inappropriate racial joke here). One of our neighbors hosted a pre-trick or treat potluck for the neighborhood so we went over there at around 5 pm. The food was set up in the garage and the weather was nice enough where everyone could hang out outside. There were princesses, strawberry shortcakes, firefighters, goblins...you name it and it was there. One of the parents actually dressed up as a mummy using his own gauze and white tape (he's a doctor and just had the stuff laying around the house). After that we went back home to warm up and let everyone get back home before heading out to trick or treat.  I guess I was the only one who needed warming because as soon as the first group of trick or treaters came to our door Carter dashed outside to follow them. I took the hint and we started our journey. It took us about 15 minutes to get to the door of the first house and it's across the street. That was our first and only house. After that, Carter decided it was more fun to run up and down the driveways with his one bag of candy. When I tried to get him to go to the door of another house he tried to run away from me and I took it as a signal that it was time to go home. As soon as we got through the front door, he turned around and started going back down the front steps sending the message he wasn't done yet. I let him get almost to the sidewalk before picking him up and carrying him in the house. He fell asleep on the couch 20 minutes later at 7 pm.

I love days like these where we have a great time and he wears himself out. Can't wait for next year! Here he is in his monkey suit.

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