11 October 2011

Food Wars

For the last couple of days Carter has been really difficult during mealtime. Last night and tonight he started off dinner by crying. Now it's not uncommon for him to fuss if he doesn't get food fast enough or doesn't like what's on the menu but rarely does he break out into a full cry. I was so confused. Last night we had chicken stir fry with broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, and rice. These are all things he's eaten and liked before so no problem right? Wrong. As soon as I tried to feed him some rice from one of his spoons he shook his little head and cocked it to the left in displeasure (his signature move when he doesn't want something). Thankfully, he ate the chicken and veggies that I put on his tray. I just chalked it up to him being moody and didn't think anything else of it...until tonight when it happened again.

Tonight we had leftover lasagna for dinner. I know he likes my lasagna based on him lapping it up two nights before. I fed him the first bite from one of his spoons and he took it with no problem.  However, when I offered the second spoonful, he spontaneously breaks out in tears. Like I've already said, my baby rarely sheds a tear when food is involved. I tried to think of what could be bothering him and then remembered that at lunch today I let him practice feeding himself with a spoon and that he really enjoyed  it. Eureka! I immediately fish out one of his spoons from the silverware drawer and give it to him with a small piece of lasagna. Score! He eats it and several more spoonfuls on his own. 

So it turns out that my baby throwing a fit was a good thing. He was just trying to tell me that he wanted to do it himself. I guess that's progress and I can't be mad at that.  The proof is in the pics. Look how proud he was of himself.

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