09 August 2011

Quick Training Update

With the Go Girl Triathlon less than 3 weeks away, I'm trying my best to stick to the training schedule. Believe me when I say it's easier said than done. Here's an idea of the regime:

Monday - swim 1000 meters (about 45 minutes for me)
Tuesday - run for 45 minutes
Wednesday - bike for 1 hour
Thursday - 40 minute swim with training group followed by 40 minute run/bike
Friday - rest day
Saturday - run for 1 hour, 10 minutes
Sunday - bike for 1 hour immediately followed by 20 minute run

Can you say...oh my goodness. The last time I worked out this much, I was in summer basketball camp in high school..and I didn't like it. I have to admit, I've been slacking on the bike portion of the training. I've only been riding about one time a week. Maybe I don't think I have anything to worry about as far as the bike portion of the race goes or maybe I'm just afraid of damaging my very expensive bike. You should see me...I'm almost afraid to touch it.  I have been sticking to swimming twice a week and I can tell it's starting to pay off. I feel a lot more comfortable in the water now. Which brings me to a funny story. Today after I finished my swim workout, a woman approached me in the locker room and complimented my good swimming form. "Were you on the swim team she asked?" "Not quite," I replied holding back my laughter. I almost let the compliment go to my head until I realized this woman could not swim herself. Hence, she wouldn't know the difference between good form and whatever it was I was doing. It gave me a chuckle at least.

My strategy in keeping to the training schedule is to get the workout out of the way in the morning so I don't have to worry about it the rest of the day. The runs are the easiest because I can strap Carter in the running stroller and take off. I've been using a sitter for my bikes and swims, except on the weekend when Jimmy can take over. I started off taking Carter to the daycare in the gym which was great but out of the blue he started having separation anxiety and wouldn't let me get out the door without crying and screaming. I tried just leaving him but the staff said he kept crying after I left. For his sake and my peace of mind, I feel better having him stay in the comfort of home. This is working out well and I can focus on training.

3 more weeks to go. I can do this. Let's go...

1 comment:

  1. I took one step... took a swim class and improved my form. I'm proud of you. This schedule is rigorous!
