17 July 2011

Long Hiatus

It seems like it's been almost a month since the last time I posted something. I swore to myself that if I started this blog I would keep up with it regularly. The problem of course is finding the time during my "hectic" life. Some of you may be chuckling at the use of the word "hectic" but trust me I am worn out at the end of everyday just like I was when working 10 hour billable days.

Jimmy and I closed on our first house together (my first house, period...woo hoo!) on July 1st. Since then, it's been a whirlwind of unpacking boxes, organizing, furniture shopping, repair guys, etc.  Doing all of this with a 1 year old has forced me to redefine the word "efficiency." By the time Carter goes to sleep around 8:30-9:00 p.m. I try to squeeze out another 2-3 hours to get some things done before crashing.  Theoretically, this is the time I should be using to add a new blog post but in reality, sometimes my brain is such mush I wouldn't even be able to form a coherent sentence. Instead, I end up using the time doing something that doesn't take much brain power, like folding laundry or surfing the web for the rug I need to buy for our living room. Or even better, I just use the time to cuddle up with my honey.

On top of getting the house ready we also had houseguests last weekend for the Kappa Centennial Celebration. Thankfully, we got the chance to relax, hang out, and have fun with friends.  My parents were also in town and they got a chance to hang out with Carter who I think is finally starting to recognize them.

Now that things have settled down a bit, I plan to post more regularly. As I'm writing right now, I think the most ideal time will be during Carter's morning nap.

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