04 April 2012

Carter Update

I've been loving hanging out with my little man lately. The nice weather has allowed us to go outside and explore. Carter loves being outside. A lot of the time we just take a walk through the neighborhood. He likes to walk up our neighbors' driveways or sloped front yards and loves to climb the stairs leading to the front door. Sometimes I feel compelled to ring the doorbells so he can say hello. Of course, he always invites himself in if there is an answer. The boy is definitely not shy. He didn't get that from me.

There is also an open field and trail across from our house and he can stay out there for an hour picking flowers or throwing rocks. Not only is he not shy but he also doesn't have much fear. He will walk aimlessly into the woods that back up the trail trying to discover whatever is rustling in the trees. We also try to get to the park whenever we can. Thankfully it is a 5 minute walk so I turn on some Pandora tunes on my iPhone and we're there in a snap. Whenever I take him out of the stroller I say "I'm unleashing him" because he doesn't stop moving from the moment we get there to the moment I'm strapping him back into the stroller. First he wants to swing...but only for about 30 seconds; then he want to climb up the baby slide and then slide back down again; then he wants to drive the life size tractor; then he wants to climb up the hills; then he wants to go down the "big kid" slides (at least 6 times); and finally, he just likes to wander checking everything out. I like to take him late in the afternoon because by the time we get back home he's exhausted. Dinner time, bath time, and bed by 7:30 pm. Works like a charm.

Here he is frolicking:

He's also talking a lot more lately and doing more independently. I would estimate that he says 40-50 words, including most major body parts (nose, mouth, teeth, eye, toes), common food items (milk, juice, cheese), toileting (pee pee, boo boo, pot-pot), and many more. He will also try to imitate a lot of words I say. Independence should be his middle name because he wants to do everything by himself. He wants to brush his teeth, put on lotion, bathe himself (even though he only washes one arm, one ear, and one foot), and pick out his own clothes. I love his independence but sometimes it makes it difficult to get things done in a timely fashion.

He's loving school now. When I drop him off he gets excited, walks in, and goes directly to his class. He used to cry when I left but now he waves and say "bye-bye." When I pick him up he smiles, runs over to hug me, and then runs over to get his jacket. He also tells the other children and teachers "bye-bye." He used to cry as soon as he saw me, would run to get his jacket, and then head straight for the door without acknowledging anyone. I'm glad that phase is over. I'm thinking of changing schools beginning in July so hopefully we won't have to go through the "breaking in" stage all over again.

So I will finally admit that Carter is spoiled. In the last two weeks he went on a clothes/shoes shopping spree, got a new table/chairs, a Mickey Mouse sofa that converts to a bed, and his own lounge chair with footrest. Dang...he's living the life. The Mickey Mouse sofa is the first thing he's ever begged me to buy and I did just to quiet him down. We were in Babies R Us shopping for a gift for someone else and we passed by the sofa. All of a sudden Carter starts pointing and yelling "mouse...mouse," and he would stop. After trying to quiet him down (not very hard I admit) I caved in and said "fine; we'll get it." For the record, he did stop yelling after I put it in the cart.

Here is Carter with all his new goodies:


  1. He's already got a mini toddler pad! I'm actually sure he runs the house 'cause that's either the remote or someone's iPhone! What a doll!

  2. Awwww...soo cute. We miss Carter! He's got ya right where he wants ya! ;-)

  3. He is too cute with all that swag. I'm definitely picking up a convertible sofa for Jasmine. That is too cute. She wouldn't appreciate the chair, but would definitely love the sofa. The things they make for kids these days!
